Welcome to the Monster Lair
A small business run by a family of monsters. We have a passion for making our own soaps scents, and for sharing those products with you.
Our Philosophy
Naturally Derived Ingredients
We don't have a problem with synthetic ingredients. Science is awesome! But we feel like, if it can be made with natural ingredients, then why not?
Craft First
We don't spend a lot of time or money on advertising. Our approach is to focus on craftsmanship, and let the quality of our products do the talking. It's not the most modern way to do business, but we're old fashioned, and we find that it works for us.
Wallet-Friendly Prices
As millenials, we have started to expect economic recessions. We keep our prices as low as we can - which is usually much lower than other brands.
The MONSTER Family
It's going to sound cheesey, but we see ourselves and our customers as part of one big community. We offer the respect and care you deserve to each order and every interaction.
We're All Freaks
When we first entered the beard industry, we noticed an unsettling call for conformity. There was a lot of "here's what a man looks like; we can make you look like that!" We say a man looks like whatever the f*** a man wants to look like. We want to give you the tools to achieve your personalized look.
Who We Are
MONSTER Flesh & Mane is a small, family business. Seriously, it's the two of us with some light help from our 16-year-old kid. We like it this way. We're simple folk, originally from a small town in Georgia, USA. The idea of running a large company gives us headaches and ulcers. As long as the bills are paid, everything else is just extra.
This is to say that with our little company, you're not going to run into some of the issue you do with the bigger guys. We are able to talk to each and every customer any time they want. We can offer not only shipping updates and product details, but real advice about grooming and growing. We're not business people; thus, our approach to customer service is a bit more grounded, and less about buzz-words and marketing strategies.
We call our approach to business "craft first," by which we mean we focus on the craftsmanship of our products and let the quality do the selling for us. Our advertising is extremely minimal; we communicate with our customers via social media, make the best products we can, and let word-of-mouth do the rest. It's an old-fashioned way of doing it, but we're old-fashioned people.
Our History
Austin starts using beard oil, and one day thinks to check the ingredients. It's olive oil and fragrance. And it's not very good. After some experimenting, he creates a much better oil that he sells at local markets and on Etsy. There are five initial scents: Bigfoot, Ghostly Pirate, Vampire Hunter, Wolfman, and Zombie Killer. They begin selling immediately, and the company - called Beard Monster initially - is born.
Beard Monster is already paying the bills for what had very recently been a struggling working class family. New products are added - Beard Balm, Beard Wash, and Mustache Wax. Two new fragrances are also added - Death's Garden and Tropical Pandemonium (the Reaper and the Witch Doctor today, respectively). After a visit with family in Portland, Austin & Lori decide to move to the Pacific Northwest and land in Washington state.
During this time, Beard Conditioner is added, as well as the first body products - Blood Bath Body Wash and Dr. Frankenstein's Flesh Revival Cream. New scents come and go - most notably the Psycho Clown and the Creature arrive during this time.
Jack the Ripper arrives. He is soon overshadowed, though, by the bigger news - the company, now selling products for both beard and body, changes it's name to MONSTER Flesh & Mane. Many notice.
Arrival of the Bride - Monster's first scent for ladies. The Sinister Stash is first offered in September, quickly becoming an important part of the company.
You know, this year doesn't really need to be mentioned ever again. Basically, f*** this year.
We did start selling bar soap though. That's kinda important.
Okay, we mentioned the bar soap? Well, in 2021 the bar soap started to become as popular as any of our beard products. It represents a shift in the company; after trying for several years to create a more complete line of products, during this year a balance is finally acheived.
MONSTER is now in it's 8th year. We are working on expanding our diverse selection of beard and body products to become a total solution for men, women, and all creatures of the night.